Monday, November 17, 2008


I can remember the start of school last year where I wanted to learn a language as an option. At first I signed up for Spanish because I thought it would be useful because my Step-mom Shirley speaks Spanish. Just my luck, Spanish got cancelled. I still wanted to learn a language.
All my friends were taking Japanese, at first I thought it was silly because I thought to my self, "when will they ever need to speak Japanese, or when will I for that matter." I ended up signing up for it because it was interesting none the less.
Now here I am in Brasil, one year later, and have found out that there is a strong Japanese culture here. It is kinda ironic how I had those thoughts, it just proves that anything can happen!
On Saturday I went to a 15th Birthday party for a girl named Marianna. Here turning 15 is like turning "sweet sixteen" in Canada. I went with Helena and her husband and it was at the Japanese club. When we were walking in they pointed out a plaque that commemorated the 100 years the Japanese have been in Brasil.
Inside there was a table with the birthday cake and lots of candy. People gave speeches and made a toast and then we ate. There was Japanese food/Brasilian food. It was all very very good. I met Matteus' friends Natalia and Denise there.
After everyone was finished eating, all the kids put on feather boas and such and started to dance. There was a DJ who played alot of Brasilian "funk".
The Japanese culture here is very unique because it has kept its roots but has still been assimilated to Brasilian culture. Everyone speaks Portuguese and/or Japanese. It's awesome!! Of course I can't really speak Japanese but I can read a little and say a few words. Helena said that when I live with her she will teach me some!
After the party I was dropped off with Mãe, Pai, Pai's brother and his wife and son. They were chatting at a table outside of a restaurant. Matteus was at another birthday party.
Earlier that day Mamãe had started to say some things in English. She barely spoke any before but has been picking it up from me. Matteus says that she will not be able to lol. She said that I am her teacher and she will. I am turning out to be the worst teacher in the world. Lets just say that pronounciation can be tricky and one word in english sounds like another not so good word in Portuguese. But somehow she has learned all the basics of the English language including "poophead" and "fart". Lol. It was not intentional though, honest! We drove by some manure and then the conversation headed in that direction... hahahah I am so gross lol. Nevermind, I am going to try to teach her other (better) words now.
By the time I got home and went to bed it was about 2:00am. On Sunday I woke up at 8:30am but tried to sleep until 9:30am. I ended up getting up. I don't know why but I feel guilty when I stay in bed and everyone else is awake. Lately I have been really tired too, I think it is because my brain is adapting to the new language and when I sleep it all sinks in. Well that is at least what I hope the reason is.
So I got up, went downstairs and watched some T.V with Matteus and ate a little. Helena was coming at 11:30 to pick me up to go to a lunch. Pai was throwing coconut tree leaves into a pile and then lighting them on fire. I went up to the pool to get him some more and then resumed sitting on the couch.
Pai put Spicey (the bird) into a new cage. I was watching him as he hopped around and became accustomed to it. Then I noticed that on one foot he is short one toe so balances more on his other foot.....I wonder if he is deformed or if he had an accident. Yes, I wonder about these things.
Helena picked me up and we went to the lunch. It was at her friend's house. Again it was Japanese/Brasilian food. At one point I was telling a woman named Christianna (who is a police officer) that being an exchange student people tend to force feed me. Not too long after Helena's friend forked a huge pile of meat onto my plate. She probably wanted to see if it was fun or something because everyone does it. I suppose it was because after the meat she made sure I had no shortage of sausages. My stomach was about to burst. Especially after the three diferent desserts. But I can't tell people I am not hungry because they then think that I am on a diet. So I just eat what people give me. At school the boys tease me and say I will get fat. hahah if you don't gain a little on your exchange than you are not a good exchange student. Or just have a high metabolism. Lol whatever, it is not like I'm complaining here. ;)
The lunch ended up lasting for about five hours. We talked and talked and talked. All in Portuguese. I am amazed that I can understand 9 out of 10 times when people talk to me and am able to respond. It's awesome! Of course there are sometimes when I have no idea what people are saying and the phrases start to sound like English words. But when I fall asleep in class sometimes, I can hear the teacher talk and understand what they are saying. I am also starting to think in Portuguese. You know you are learning a language when you don't have to translate the word into English in your mind but it carries a meaning of its own.
I talked to Helena's husband after about what I want to take in University. I told him I am not exactly sure. He noticed how much I like animals (there were dogs there) and asked if I wanted to be a vet. I told him I used to but don't want to have to put the animals down.
I asked him what he does for a living. He is a farmer and grows corn, soy beans, coffee, and I think there may have been one other thing but I can't remember. He said that his brother and father growpotatoes because they are sold for more money. He said what he grows is less money but works better because it is more stable to grow four different things than one so when inflation occurs it balances out. I asked him what Brasil imports because I noticed that they export alot but have so many resources here I was not sure what they would need! Brasil imports wheat. I wonder if Alberta exports to Brasil...probably. I then asked him why the bulls/cows here are white. He said it is because they are originally from India and have been here about 100 years. They are white so they reflect the sun and stay cool. In the south of Brazil there are black cows who produce milk because it is cooler there. I told him that in Canada I had not really eaten bull. In Brazil bull is eaten alot. He said that is strange because the bull meat is mainly exported to Canada, the States, and Europe. We figured that it is probably more expensive because of it and is probably why I never really had it.
When I got home I had a nap and then later went to the dance festival with Matteus. It was all the young kids. They were cute and pretty darn good for their age.
When I got back Mamãe told me that my mom had phoned and that she said "Do you speak Portuguese?" And after like thirty seconds of confusion they said good-bye and hung up.
I phoned my mom and she said that she had asked "Hablo English?" LMAO. Hahahh my mom is so funny. I was happy to learn that everything is well in Calgary. I stayed up a bit after we talked because I was not tired from the nap I took. I went to sleep at 2:30am...and woke up at 6:00am...hahah. I didn't really even sleep in school! We finished watching the movie "Cube Zero" in Math class. There were subtitles for me. The ending sucks, I talked about it with Priscilla and she agreed.


Emily <3

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