Saturday, December 20, 2008

Just Light Something On Fire

I have this weird habit that I do, well it is more like an obsessive compulsive thing. Whenever I am in a situation and I think of something bad that could happen I have this rule that since I had the thought it would be too coincidental to actually occur. For the most part this theory works, 99/100 times. Sometimes though it causes freaky coincidences to occur, only ever usually small ones though.
So I was at my host Mom's work Christmas party (she works at a bank) and I was walking around with my host sister Carol. We went over to see Matteus who was sitting with some friends. There was a candle in the middle of the table and I remembered how I say sometimes that if a party needs livening up, just light something on fire. Of course I thought that because I had thought it in my mind Matteus would never actually light something in the candle.
We walked away and then when we came back Matteus was lighting stuff on fire. I was like: oh weird, this is like the 1 in 100 time that my whole "thought cancellation of reality" doesn't work. This kinda put my mind at ease because it meant that it couldn't happen again for about another 98 thoughts. Haha I sound so crazy.
I went outside of the club thing with Matteus and his friends (Olivia and a girl from Rio de Janeiro named Debra). Carol came out later too because she was leaving to go with some friends. Olivia's Mom came over and told us to go see something. I didn't completely understand what she said.
So we went around to the other side and saw this man holding two fire torch type things. He wasn't wearing a shirt and had alcohol on his chest because he would spit alcohol into the fire so it looked like he was breathing it. Ammediately I thought how terrible it would be if he caught on fire, given the fact that he was drenched in alcohol and all. I thought that if it happened I would need to use something like a blanket to throw on top to cut the oxygen supply. Of course I didn't have a blanket so I imagined myself taking off my long flowy strapless shirt and using it. After I thought this I was happy because I thought it could definately not occur because of my whole theory.
The guy bent down to get some more alcohol and then blew into the fire. He did it again and apparently some flame touched him because he lit up like a Christmas tree. At first it was a small area and he tried to pat it out but then when he was unsuccessful he started to run!! Exactly what you are not supposed to do when you are burning alive. Of course it was because he was panicking though. So now his whole torso, neck, and chin were in flames. I was so shocked. I ripped off my shirt and started running in his direction with about four other people. He was smart enough to drop to the ground and smother the fire. Then he just stayed on the ground while everyone stood in relief. I realized I was shirtless and put my blouse back on.
The guy's skin was all pink in the front, he left with somebody to drive him to the hospital.
Afterwards everyone went inside and danced for the rest of the night. The party really livened up. My whole "Though Cancellation Theory" is probably wrong, but it works most of the time. It is not like a premonition, it is more like an "Em-inition", I have to be careful when I get those. The moral of this experience is if you are going to light something on fire make sure you don't light yourself on fire in the process, also make sure to have something to put it out (example: water), try to not have flammable things near or on yourself (example: alcohol), and if you witness somebody on fire don't take off your shirt until you are actually close enough to use it, because if not you are just a shirtless idiot adding to the chaos. Lol.
The rest of the party went well, I didn't get home until 2:45am.

1 comment:

Maeghan said...

I can't breathe I am laughing so hard. That is ridiculous! You need to be careful what you think! And yet you shouldn't because an ancient Turkish proverb says "It does not burn the tounge to say the word fire." as in there is no harm in considering the unfortunate or whatever.
Also, I can just imagine you running around with your shirt in your hand, cursing your thought-reality cancellation theory. Hehe.
Glad to hear you life isn't boring.
Merry Christmas!